Welcome to our small section of quickguides and howtos, the old school documentation for rush people.
時間が無い方のためのクイックガイドおよび HowTo のページへようこそ。
The main purpose of this section is to write small guides for specific tasks, following a very practical approach, based on examples and lots of screen shots. All small texts and quick guides to specific issues will be put here, and all in-depth articles will be put in our official documentation section. When a quickguide ceases to be small and quick, it will be moved (and translated) to the main documentation.
Anyone who is willing to help us with software development, document editing, or any other task that improves Pandora FMS will be more than welcome. Join us!
ソフトウェア開発、ドキュメント編集、または Pandora FMS を改善するなどの作業を喜んで手伝ってくれる人は誰でも大歓迎です。 開発に参加する