
Introduction to Pandora RC

Pandora RC (formerly called eHorus) is a computer management system for MS Windows®, GNU/Linux® and Mac OS® that allows you to access registered computers wherever they may be, from a browser, without having direct connectivity to your devices from the outside.

  • Before a machine can be remotely accessed, an agent needs to be installed and provisioned on the central Pandora RC server.
  • In order to provision an agent and make it accessible, you will need to have a valid Pandora RC user.
  • Once the agent is configured to be able to make use of a user, when it is started, it will provision and run it, ready to be accessed from the outside.

Once provisioned, the agent will be displayed in the user portal, with its EKID (Pandora RC Key ID). It is a unique ID in the system that identifies uniquely a machine, since you may have agents with the same hostname and even with the same IP address. This identifier is used to collaborate with other users who want to access that machine or for internal inventory systems.

For greater security, each agent, when configured, can have an individual password that is not stored on the central servers of Pandora RC, but each time the user wishes to access said machine, they will have to enter it interactively. That password is specified in the agent installation and/or can be reconfigured afterwards.

The agent will connect to a server on the internet. If the agent cannot connect directly to the internet and needs a proxy, you may configure it later.

  1. Provision and updated status messages.
  2. Agent connection to Pandora RC server.
  3. Client and agent authentication through the directory API.
  4. Client connection (browser) to the portal.
  5. Directory API call.
  6. Client connection (JavaScript) to Pandora RC server.
  7. Client and agent authentication through the directory API.

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  • ja/documentation/09_pandora_rc/01_pandora_rc_introduction.1693463108.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2023/08/31 06:25
  • by junichi