To activate this functionality, the <wrap :en>**Enable API agent**</wrap> token must be enabled at [[##general_settings|General settings]].
この機能を有効にするには、[[#一般設定|一般設定]] で <wrap :en>**API エージェントを有効にする(Enalbe API agent)**</wrap> トークンを有効にする必要があります。
Through the <wrap :en>**Setup → Metasetup → Relations rules**</wrap>{{wiki:icon_rules.png?nolink&21x21}} menu it is possible to access this utility. It allows to quickly retrieve information about certain special devices via an API (different from the main API).
In the <wrap :en>**Relationships**</wrap> box you must choose a <wrap :en>**Type**</wrap>, (drop-down list: <wrap :en>**Ip Gateway**</wrap> or <wrap :en>**IMEI**</wrap>) and assign a relationship value which will be used in the API query. This query will return the <wrap :en>**Node address**</wrap> that you have selected, either one of the **Command Center** (Metaconsole) nodes or a custom node via <wrap :en>**Custom**</wrap>. Once the three fields described above have been set, click on the <wrap :en>**Insert relation**</wrap> button to save the new relation.
The saved relationships will be displayed at the bottom and can be filtered by type, value or node address. You can also delete relationships one by one or select several or all of them with the corresponding checkbox and then pressing the <wrap :en="">**Delete**</wrap> button to mass delete.
By the <wrap :en>**Node Address Default**</wrap> button you can configure to return a preset response **when there is no relation rule established or when no relation rule is found that matches the request made. **This response can be either the IP address of one of the Metaconsole nodes //or a custom message by selecting the option// <wrap :en>**Custom**</wrap>:
You will be able to make your custom translations (**String translation** icon) even with macro variables; this extension is fully described in the **[[:en:documentation:04_using:11_managing_and_administration#text_string_translator|Translate string]]** section.
You can make your custom translations (**String translation** icon) even with macro variables; This extension is fully described in the **[[:en:documentation:pandorafms:management_and_operation:11_managing_and_administration#translator_de_cadenas_de_texto|Translate string]]** section.
<WRAP center round important 60%> The Metaconsole code re-uses some images from the normal console code. These images will be not accessible form this manager and it will be necessary to get to the installation manually to manage them. </WRAP>
<WRAP center round important 60%>
<WRAP center round important 60%> メタコンソールコードは、通常のコンソールコードの一部の画像を再利用します。これらの画像は、このマネージャからはアクセスできません。これらの画像を管理するには、手動で調整する必要があります。</WRAP>
The Command Center code reuses some images from the regular console code. These images will not be accessible from this manager and it will be necessary to access the installation manually to manage them.
* **Max. days before events are deleted**: Field where the maximum number of days before deleting events is defined.
* **Max. days before events are deleted**: Field where the maximum number of days before events are deleted are defined.
* **Use real-time statistics**: Enable or disable the use of real-time statistics.
* **Use real-time statistics**: Enable or disable the use of real-time statistics.
* **Max. days before audited events are deleted**: Number of days of event auditing to be maintained.
* **Max. days before audited events are deleted**: Number of days to keep audited events.
* **Default hours for event view**: Field where the hours field of the default filter in the event view is defined. If the default is 8, the event view will show only the events occurred in the last 8 hours. This field also affects the display, counting and graphing of events in the tactical view.
* **Default hours for event view**: Field where the hours field of the default filter in the event view is defined. If the default is 8, the events view will only show events that have occurred in the last 8 hours. This field also affects the display, counting and graphs of the events in the tactical view.
* **Migration block size**: It is used to migrate (move) agents between nodes in Metaconsole environments, especially to transfer historical data between one node and another.
* **Migration block size**: Size of the migration block. It is used to migrate (move) agents between nodes in Command Center environments, especially to transfer historical data between one node and another.
* **Events response max. execution**: Number of events that will perform the desired action at the same time.
* **Events response max. execution**: Number of events that will carry out the desired action at the same time.
* **Max. number of events per node**: Maximum number of events to be displayed for each node.
* **Max. number of events per node**: Maximum number of events to be displayed by each node.
* **Row limit in csv log**: Limit of rows for the record in CSV format.
* **Row limit in CSV log**: Row limit for the log in CSV format.
* **Max. macro data fields**: Field where the number of macros that can be used for alerts is defined.
* **Max. macro data fields**: Field where the number of macros that can be used for alerts is defined.
* **PhantomJS cache cleanup**: (//For NG 767 and earlier versions//) Pandora FMS web2image cache system cleaning. It is always cleaned after an update.
* **Limits of events per query**: Limit established for the maximum number of events in a query, by default five thousand items.
* **Limits of events per query**: Limit set for the maximum number of events in a query, by default five thousand items.
* **Max. days before purge**: Field where the maximum number of days before purging data is defined. This also specifies the maximum number of days to maintain historical inventory data.
* **Max. days before purge**: (//Version 770 and later//) The maximum number of days before purging the database. This parameter is also used to specify the maximum number of days before deleting inventory history data.
* **イベント保持最大日数(Max. days before events are deleted)**: イベントを削除するまでの最大日数を定義するフィールド。
* **イベント保持最大日数(Max. days before events are deleted)**: イベントを削除するまでの最大日数を定義するフィールド。
行 516:
行 568:
* **監査イベント保持最大日数(Max. days before audited events are deleted)**: 監査イベントを保持する日数です。
* **監査イベント保持最大日数(Max. days before audited events are deleted)**: 監査イベントを保持する日数です。
* **ノードごとの最大イベント数(Max. number of events per node)**: 各ノードで表示される最大イベント数。
* **ノードごとの最大イベント数(Max. number of events per node)**: 各ノードで表示される最大イベント数。
行 527:
行 579:
==== 画面設定 ====
==== 画面設定 ====
All configuration related to the data representation. Colors and graph resolution, number of items in the view pagination,etc.You can see more information about the visual configuration in this [[:en:documentation:04_using:12_console_setup#chart_settings|link.]]
All configuration related to data representation. Colors and resolution of the graphics, number of elements in the views pagination, etc. There is more information about visual settings in this [[:en:documentation:pandorafms:management_and_operation:12_console_setup#chart_settings|link.]]
To know more about the authentication go to the manual section [[:en:documentation:04_using:12_console_setup#authentication|Authentication.]]
To learn more about authentication, visit the section [[:en:documentation:pandorafms:management_and_operation:12_console_setup#autentificacion|Authentification]].
Enables the use of the historical database in the Metaconsole (**Enable historical database**). To learn more about the configuration of the historical database visit the [[:en:documentation:04_using:12_console_setup#the_history_database|Console Configuration]].
Allows you to activate the use of the historical database in the Command Center (**Enable historical database**). To learn more about historical database setup visit [[:en:documentation:pandorafms:management_and_operation:12_console_setup#historical_database|Console Setup]].
From Pandora FMS version 747 onwards, the configuration of access to the [[:en:documentation:03_monitoring:09_log_monitoring|ElasticSearch server]], the maximum number of log entries to be seen in the ►**Monitoring** → **[[:en:documentation:06_metaconsole:05_visualization#log_viewer|Log Viewer]]** section and the status of the configured ElasticSearch server are incorporated.
From version 774 of Pandora FMS the [[en:documentation:pandorafms:management_and_operation:12_console_setup#opensearch_interface|access configuration]] is incorporated to the [[en:documentation:pandorafms:technical_annexes:38_opensearch_installation|OpenSearch]].
A password policy can be established with limitations on the number of characters in passwords, expiration, temporary blocking of a user. To learn more about the password policy, visit the section [[:en:documentation:pandorafms:management_and_operation:12_console_setup#password_policy|Password policy]].
It is possible to set a password policy with limitations in the password number of characters, expiration, temporary blocking of one user. To know more about the password policy go to the manual section [[:en:documentation:04_using:12_console_setup#password_policy|Password policy]]
In this section we find general data of the Metaconsole, such as the language, the date/hour configuration or customization about some sections, among others.
In this section you will find general Command Center data such as the language, date/time settings or the customization of certain sections, among others.
It is possible to customize if we want that the Netflow section would be enabled or disabled, the tree view classified by tags, the visual console and the possibility of web checks creation from the Wizard.
Netflow セクションを有効または無効にするかどうか、タグで分類されたツリー表示、ビジュアルコンソール、およびウィザードからの Web チェックの作成をカスタマイズできます。
They can be customized if we want the NetFlow sections, the tree view classified by tags, the visual console or the possibility of creating web checks from the Wizard to be activated or deactivated.
Netflow セクションを有効または無効にするかどうか、タグで分類されたツリー表示、ビジュアルコンソール、およびウィザードからの Web チェックの作成の有効化・無効化をカスタマイズできます。
The parameters that require explanation are:
Notable fields:
* **Force use Public URL**: Forces the use of public URLs. If this field is active, no matter what system is implemented, links and references will always be built based on ''public_url''.
* **Force use Public URL**: Force the use of public URLs. If this field is active, regardless of the system that is implemented, links and references will always be built based on ''public_url''.
* **Public URL host exclusions**: Hosts added in this field will ignore the previous field.
* **Public URL host exclusions**: Hosts added in this field will ignore the previous field.
* **Enable update manager**: This option allows you to activate the **Warp Update** to update the Metaconsole.
* **Enable update manager**: This option allows you to activate **Warp Update** to update the Command Center.
* **Enable log viewer**: This option allows you to activate the log viewer tab to edit the Elasticsearch server configuration.
* **Enable log viewer**: This option allows you to activate the log viewer tab to edit the Elasticsearch server configuration.
* **Auto login in node**: Available since version 777, it allows you to go from Command Center (Metaconsole) to each of the centralized nodes' web consoles and log in automatically.
* **公開 URL の強制利用(Force use Public URL)**: 公開 URL の使用を強制します。 このフィールドが有効な場合、実装されているシステムに関係なく、リンクと参照は常に ''public_url'' に基づいて作成されます。
* **公開 URL の強制利用(Force use Public URL)**: 公開 URL の使用を強制します。 このフィールドが有効な場合、実装されているシステムに関係なく、リンクと参照は常に ''public_url'' に基づいて作成されます。