Discovery allows you to load both official Pandora FMS plugins and custom ones.
自動検出 を使用すると、公式 Pandora FMS プラグインとカスタムプラグインの両方をロードできます。
To load custom plugins it is necessary to generate a .disco
package with everything necessary so that both the console and the Pandora FMS server are capable of:
カスタムプラグインをロードするには、コンソールと Pandora FMS サーバの両方で次のことができるように、必要なものすべてを含む .disco
A .disco
package is a zip file with the extension .disco which contains at least one file called discovery_definition.ini.
パッケージは、.disco という拡張子を持つ zip ファイルであり、discovery_definition.ini という名前のファイルが少なくとも 1 つ含まれています。
Optionally, a .disco
package may contain a file called logo.png which will be the plugin logo in the Pandora FMS console. If no logo file is added, the console automatically uses a default logo.
パッケージには、Pandora FMS コンソールのプラグインロゴとなる logo.png というファイルが含まれる場合があります。 ロゴファイルが追加されない場合、コンソールは自動的にデフォルトのロゴを使用します。
Finally, typically, a .disco
file will contain all the scripts, executables, and libraries needed by the server and the console. Although it is not mandatory, it is common and recommended, to avoid additional installation requirements on systems where you want to configure and execute the tasks that use the plugin.
ファイルには、サーバとコンソールに必要なすべてのスクリプト、実行可能ファイル、ライブラリが含まれます。 これは必須ではありませんが、プラグインを使用するタスクを構成および実行するシステムで追加のインストール要件を回避するために、一般的であり推奨されます。
Therefore, and in short, a .disco
file will contain:
The discovery_definition.ini file is the most important within a .disco
file, since it is the one that contains the entire plugin definition.
discovery_setting.ini ファイルは、プラグイン定義全体が含まれているため、.disco
It contains both the parameters that will be displayed by the console to be filled in a task definition form, as well as the executions that the Pandora FMS server will have to perform for the plugin tasks.
これには、タスク定義フォームに入力するためにコンソールに表示されるパラメータと、Pandora FMS サーバによるプラグインタスクの実行のための情報の両方が含まれています。
In order to facilitate its definition and processing in the console, the format used in a discovery_definition.ini
file is the INI format of PHP.
ファイルで使用される形式は PHP の INI 形式です。
A discovery_definition.ini
file is basically made up of 3 blocks:
ファイルは基本的に 3 つのブロックで構成されています。
(オプション)During the following explanations it will be common to use some terms. This section explains those terms.
以降の説明では、一般的にいくつかの用語が使用されます。 この章ではこれらの用語について説明します。
A macro is a unique text key used to store information (values, paths to files, …). When a macro is used (for example during a run) you want to use the information it contains instead.
マクロは、情報 (値、ファイルへのパスなど) を保存するために使用される一意のテキストキーです。 マクロが使用されるとき(実行中など)、マクロに含まれる情報を使用したいことがあります。
A valid macro is a text key that starts and ends with underscores _
and can only contain letters (A-Z and a-z) and numbers (0-9) in between.
有効なマクロは、始まりと終わりがアンダースコア _
で、間に文字 (A ~ Z および a ~ z) と数字 (0 ~ 9) のみを含めることができるテキストキーです。
When we talk about STRING we refer to alphanumeric text strings.
STRING は、英数字のテキスト文字列を指します。
When we talk about NUMBER we will refer exclusively to numbers.
NUMBER は、数字のみを指します。
When we talk about BOOL we refer to values true / false, 1 / 0, yes / no.
BOOL は、値 true / false、1 / 0、yes / no を指します。
When we talk about VALUE we refer to any value (STRING, NUMBER or BOOL). It will normally be used in comma-separated lists to represent values of the same type.
VALUE は、任意の値 (STRING、NUMBER、または BOOL) を指します。 通常、同じ型の値を表すためにカンマ区切りのリストで使用されます。
When the letters N or M are used in capital letters, we refer to a positive integer. It will normally be used in conjunction with other elements such as VALUE to indicate that it can be repeated more than once (For example, VALUE_N).
N または M という文字が大文字で使用されている場合、正の整数を指します。 通常、VALUE などの他の要素と組み合わせて使用され、複数回繰り返すことができることを示します (VALUE_N など)。
Much of the configuration of executions for the server is based on the use of macros. Mainly, these will be defined by the user, but there are some specific ones of the Pandora FMS server that can be useful:
サーバの実行設定の多くは、マクロの使用に基づいています。 主にこれらはユーザによって定義されますが、Pandora FMS サーバに特有の便利なものもいくつかあります。
→ Unique MD5 of the task, generated from the task ID and the application short name. It is useful for generating unique elements during executions (such as files).__taskInterval__
→ Task execution interval (seconds).__taskGroup__
→ Task group (Text).__taskGroupID__
→ Task group (ID).__temp__
→ Temporary directory of the server configured in the pandora_server.conf
→ Pandora server incoming directory configured in pandora_server.conf
→ API URL configured in pandora_server.conf
→ API pass configured in pandora_server.conf
→ Console user configured in pandora_server.conf
→ Console password configured in pandora_server.conf
→ Complete path to Pandora FMS server configuration file pandora_server.conf
→ タスク ID とアプリケーションの短縮名から生成された、タスクの一意の MD5。 これは、実行中に固有の要素 (ファイルなど) を生成する場合に役立ちます。__taskInterval__
→ タスクの実行間隔(秒)。__taskGroup__
→ タスクグループ(テキスト)。__taskGroupID__
→ タスクグループ(ID)。__temp__
→ pandora_server.conf
(temporary) で設定されたサーバの一時ディレクトリ。__incomingDir__
→ pandora_server.conf
(incomingdir) で設定された Pandora サーバの入力ディレクトリ。__consoleAPIURL__
→ pandora_server.conf
(console_api_url) で設定された API URL。__consoleAPIPass__
→ pandora_server.conf
(console_api_pass) で設定された API パスワード。__consoleUser__
→ pandora_server.conf
(console_user) で設定されたコンソールユーザ。__consolePass__
→ pandora_server.conf
(console_pass) で設定されたコンソールパスワード。__pandoraServerConf__
→ Pandora FMS サーバ設定ファイル pandora_server.conf
への完全なパス。These macros are in no case used by the Pandora FMS console.
これらのマクロは、Pandora FMS コンソールでは使用されません。
This block defines the main configuration of the plugin and has the following parameters:
and a-z
), numbers (0-9
), periods (.
), hyphens (-
), and underscores (_
file) to scripts and executables used by the plugin.A-Z
および a-z
)、数字 (0-9
)、ピリオド (.
)、ハイフン (-
)、およびアンダースコア (_
) です。.disco
ファイル内) を示します。execution_file[_exec1_] = "" execution_file[_exec2_] = "other/"
exec[] = "'_exec1_' -p '_param1_'" exec[] = "'_exec2_' -p '_param2_'"
file) to a script used to encrypt password-type fields from the console..disco
ファイル内) を定義します。passencrypt_exec = "'_passencrypt_script_' --encrypt '_password_'"
file) to a script used to decrypt password-type fields from the console..disco
ファイル内) を定義します。passencrypt_exec = "'_passdecrypt_script_' --decrypt '_password_'"
default_value[_param1_] = "get_main_info" default_value[_param2_] = "" default_value[_param3_] = true default_value[_param4_] = 0 default_value[_param5_] = "[A,B,C]" default_value[_param6_] = "[]"
The following example can be used as a base for this block, since it includes all the parameters explained with comments for each case:
[discovery_extension_definition] ; Mandatory ; Defines discovery application short name ; Short name must be unique ; Short names with "pandorafms." Prefixes are used by Pandora FMS for official applications short_name = DISCOVERY_APPLICATION_UNIQUE_NAME ; Mandatory ; Defines the section where application will be shown in console ; Possible values: ; apps ; clouds ; custom section = app ; Mandatory ; Defines discovery application name, shown in console name = DISCOVERY_APPLICATION_NAME ; Mandatory ; Defines discovery application version, shown in console version = VERSION ; Optional ; Defines discovery application description, shown in console description = DESCRIPTION ; Optional ; Defines execution files inside .disk ; Several execution files can be defined execution_file[_EXEC_MACRO_N_] = ; Mandatory ; Defines execution for discovery server ; Several executions can be defined ; At least 1 is required for server execution exec[] = SERVER_EXECUTION ; Optional ; Define password encrypt script passencrypt_script = ; Optional ; Defines password encrypt script execution format ; _passencrypt_script_ is replaced with the passencrypt_script file path ; _password_ is replaced with the string (password) to encrypt passencrypt_exec = EXECUTION ; Optional ; Define password decrypt script passdecrypt_script = ; Optional ; Defines password encrypt script execution format ; _passdecrypt_script_ is replaced with the passdecrypt_script file path ; _password_ is replaced with the string (password) to encrypt passdecrypt_exec = EXECUTION ; Optional ; Defines the default values for the fields when a new task is created ; By default all values are empty or not selected ; Several default values can be defined ; Possible values depending on field type: ; string - STRING ; number - NUMBER ; password-STRING ; textarea-STRING ; checkbox-BOOL ; select-VALUE_N ; multiselect - [VALUE_1,VALUE_N] ; tree - [VALUE_1,VALUE_N] default_value[_FIELD_MACRO_N_] = DEFAULT_VALUE
This block defines the configuration steps for the plugin tasks and has the following parameters:
These rules apply to all parameters of this block:
[ { "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", "mandatory_field": "BOOL", "name": "FIELD_NAME", "tip": "FIELD_TIP", "type": "FIELD_TYPE", "placeholder": "PLACEHOLDER", "show_on_true": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", "encrypt_on_true": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", "select_data": { "VALUE_1": "TEXT_1", "VALUE_N": "TEXT_N" }, "tree_data": [ { "name": "TEXT_1", "selectable": "BOOL_1", "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", "value": "VALUE_1", "children": [ { "name": "TEXT_1_1", "selectable": "BOOL_1_1", "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", "value": "VALUE_1_1", "children": [] }, { "name": "TEXT_1_N", "selectable": "BOOL_1_N", "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", "value": "VALUE_1_N", "children": [] } ] }, { "name": "TEXT_N", "selectable": "BOOL_N", "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", "value": "VALUE_N", "children": [] } ] } ]
For example, this would be a way to define multiple configuration steps:
[config_steps] name[1] = First step script_data_fields[1] = "'_exec2_' -p '_param1_' --get_fields" name[2] = Mid step custom_fields[2] = custom_fields_1 name[3] = Last step script_data_fields[3] = "'_exec2_' -p '_param2_' --get_fields" custom_fields[3] = custom_fields_2
If script_data_fields and custom_fields are indicated for the same configuration step, the form will first show the fields obtained by script_data_fields and then those defined in custom_fields.
同じ設定ステップに対して script_data_fields と custom_fields が指定されている場合、フォームには最初に script_data_fields によって取得されたフィールドが表示され、次に custom_fields で定義されたフィールドが表示されます。
The following example can be used as a base for this block, since it includes all the parameters explained with comments for each case:
[config_steps] ; Following parameters can be setup for each configuration step ; Several steps can be defined using a different key (N) ; Mandatory ; Defines configuration step name name[N] = STEP_NAME ; Mandatory if not custom_fields defined ; Defines configuration fields retrieved to console by a command execution ; execution_file scripts can be used to retrieve data ; Command execution output must be JSON as follows ; [ ; { ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "mandatory_field": "BOOL", ; "name": "FIELD_NAME", ; "tip": "FIELD_TIP", ; "type": "FIELD_TYPE", ; "placeholder": "PLACEHOLDER", ; "show_on_true": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "encrypt_on_true": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "select_data": { ; "VALUE_1": "TEXT_1", ; "VALUE_N": "TEXT_N" ; }, ; "tree_data": [ ; { ; "name": "TEXT_1", ; "selectable": "BOOL_1", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_1", ; "children": [ ; { ; "name": "TEXT_1_1", ;"selectable": "BOOL_1_1", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_1_1", ; "children": [] ; }, ; { ; "name": "TEXT_1_N", ; "selectable": "BOOL_1_N", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_1_N", ; "children": [] ; } ; ] ; }, ; { ; "name": "TEXT_N", ; "selectable": "BOOL_N", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_N", ; "children": [] ; } ; ] ; } ; ] script_data_fields[N] = CONSOLE_EXECUTION_FIELDS ; Mandatory if not script_data_fields defined ; Defines custom configuration fields custom_fields[N] = CUSTOM_FIELDS_N ; Optional ; Defines the number of fields columns for the configuration steps (1 or 2) fields_columns[N] = M
This block defines the format for the temporary configuration files used by the plugin and has the following parameters:
file[_tempConf_] = "server _param1_ user _param2_ password _param3_ log __temp__/__taskMD5__.log"
The following example can be used as a base for this block, since it includes all the parameters explained with comments for each case:
[tempfile_confs] ; Mandatory ; Defines the content for the temporary file ; File will be used where temporary file macro is specified during executions ; File content replaces fields macros with their values file[_TEMP_FILE_MACRO_N_] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_,_FIELD_MACRO_M_
This type of block can have any name you want, as long as it has been assigned as a value within the config_steps block for its custom_fields parameter. They define the fields for the forms in the plugin configuration steps and have the following parameters:
このタイプのブロックには、config_steps ブロック内の custom_fields パラメーターの値として割り当てられている限り、任意の名前を付けることができます。 これらはプラグイン設定手順でフォームのフィールドを定義し、次のパラメータがあります。
These rules apply for all parameters in this block:
These rules apply for all parameters in this block:
For example, this would be a way to define several configuration fields:
[custom_fields_1] macro[1] = _param1_ name[1] = User type[1] = string macro[2] = _param2_ name[2] = Password type[2] = password encrypt_on_true[2] = _param3_ macro[3] = _param3_ name[3] = Encrypt password type[3] = checkbox macro[4] = _param4_ name[4] = Max threads type[4] = number mandatory_field[4] = false macro[5] = _param5_ name[5] = Agents group tip[5] = Agents are generated in this group type[5] = select select_data[5] = agent_groups macro[6] = _param6_ name[6] = Mode type[6] = select select_data[6] = custom_select_1 macro[7] = _param7_ name[7] = Add extra options type[7] = checkbox macro[8] = _param8_ name[8] = Extra elements type[8] = tree tree_data[8] = custom_tree_1 show_on_true[8] = _param7_ macro[9] = _param9_ name[9] = Extra options type[9] = textarea placeholder[9] = "Add extra options here" show_on_true[9] = _param7_
The following example can be used as a base for this block, since it includes all the parameters explained with comments for each case:
[CUSTOM_FIELDS_N] ; Mandatory ; Defines configuration field unique macro ; Macros can be used for script executions, using their value in place macro[N] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_ ; Optional ; Defines if configuration field is mandatory or not ; By default all configuration fields are mandatory mandatory_field[N] = BOOL ; Mandatory ; Defines configuration field name to be displayed in console ; Macro will be used as name if this field is empty name[N] = FIELD_NAME ; Optional ; Define a tip for the field, to be displayed in console tip[N] = FIELD_TIP ; Mandatory ; Defines the field type to be displayed in console ; Possible values: ; string ; number ; password ; textarea ; check box ; select ; multi select ; tree type[N] = FIELD_TYPE ; Optional if type is string or textarea ; Defines a placeholder for the field, to be displayed in console placeholder[N] = PLACEHOLDER ; Optional ; Field is shown in console only if assigned field macro exists, is checkbox and is true show_on_true[N] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_ ; Optional if type is password ; Field value is encrypted when stored into database if assigned field macro exists, is checkbox and is true ; Password encrypt and decrypt depends on scripts uploaded to the discovery application encrypt_on_true[N] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_ ; Mandatory if type is select or multiselect ; Defines select data to be displayed in console ; Possible values: ; agent_groups - Uses agent groups names ; agents - Uses agents names ; module_groups - Uses module groups ; modules - Uses modules names ; module_types - Uses module types names ; tags - Uses module tags ; status - Uses module status names ; alert_templates - Uses alert templates names ; alert_actions - Uses alert actions names ; interval - Uses time interval selector ; credentials.custom - Uses pandora custom credentials selector ; - Uses pandora AWS credentials selector ; - Uses pandora Microsoft Azure credentials selector ; credentials.gcp - Uses pandora Google Cloud Platform credentials selector ; - Uses pandora SAP credentials selector ; credentials.snmp - Uses pandora SNMP credentials selector ; credentials.wmi - Uses pandora WMI credentials selector ; os - Uses pandora OS names ; CUSTOM_SELECT_N - Uses custom selector values ; multiselect fields value is a comma separated list of selected values select_data[N] = FIELD_DATA ; Mandatory if type is tree ; Defines tree data to be displayed in console ; tree fields value is a comma separated list of selected values tree_data[N] = CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_N
This type of block can have any name you like, as long as it has been assigned as a value within a CUSTOM_FIELDS block for its select_data parameter. They define the options of a drop-down of the plugin configuration form and it has the following parameters:
このタイプのブロックには、select_data パラメーターの CUSTOM_FIELDS ブロック内の値として割り当てられている限り、任意の名前を付けることができます。 これらはプラグイン設定フォームのドロップダウンのオプションを定義しており、次のパラメータがあります。
For example:
[custom_select_1] option[v1] = Value 1 option[v2] = Value 2 option[v3] = Value 3 option[v4] = Value 4 option[v5] = Value 5
The following example can be used as a base for this block, since it includes all the parameters explained with comments for each case:
[CUSTOM_SELECT_N] ; Mandatory ; Defines the value-text pair for the select or multiselect ; Several value-text pairs can be defined option[VALUE_N] = TEXT_N
This type of block can have any name you like, as long as it has been assigned as a value within a CUSTOM_FIELDS block for its tree_data parameter or within another CUSTOM_TREE_DATA block for its parameter children. They define the elements of a tree of the plugin configuration form and have the following parameters:
このタイプのブロックには、tree_data パラメーターの CUSTOM_FIELDS ブロック内、またはその children パラメーターの別の CUSTOM_TREE_DATA ブロック内の値として割り当てられている限り、任意の名前を付けることができます。これらはプラグイン設定フォームのツリーの要素を定義し、次のパラメータがあります。
These rules apply forto all parameters of this block:
These rules apply forto all parameters of this block:
For example, this would be a way to define several elements of a tree:
[custom_tree_1] name[1] = Performance modules selectable[1] = false children[1] = custom_tree_1_A name[2] = Counter modules selectable[2] = false children[2] = custom_tree_1_B [custom_tree_1_A] name[1] = Profile1 macro[1] = _param10_ value[1] = p1 name[2] = Perf2 macro[2] = _param10_ value[2] = p2 name[3] = Perf3 macro[3] = _param10_ value[3] = p3 [custom_tree_1_B] name[1] = Counter1 macro[1] = _param11_ value[1] = c1 name[2] = Counter1 macro[2] = _param11_ value[2] = c2 name[3] = Counter1 macro[3] = _param11_ value[3] = c3
The following example can be used as a base for this block, since it includes all the parameters explained with comments for each case:
[CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_N] ; Mandatory ; Defines the name for the tree element ; Several names can be defined name[N] = TEXT_N ; Optional ; Defines if tree element is selectable or not ; By default all tree elements are selectable ; Several selectables can be defined selectable[N] = VALUE_N ; Optional if selectable is true ; Defines the macro where value is stored for the tree element ; Several macros can be defined ; Same macro can be defined for several tree elements inside the same tree ; Macro can't be the same as other outside the tree ; If no macro is defined, value is stored for the global tree macro ; Tree values are stored and used the same way as multiselect values do macro[N] = FIELD_MACRO_N ; Mandatory if selectable is true ; Defines the value for the tree element ; Several values can be defined value[N] = VALUE_N ; Optional ; Defines the children elements for the tree element ; CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_M can't be the same than in an upper level ; Several children can be defined children[N] = CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_M
Within the fields shown in the forms, the simple and multiple selectors have the possibility of using data from the Pandora FMS application itself.
フォームに表示されるフィールド内で、単純な複数のセレクタには、Pandora FMS アプリケーション自体からのデータを使用することができます。
Depending on the data that is wanted, the values that will be stored and those that will be used in the executions will vary:
{ "user":"USER", "password":"PASSWORD" }
{ "access_key_id":"ACCESS_KEY_ID", "secret_access_key":"SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" }
{ "client_id":"CLIENT_ID", "application_secret":"APPLICATION_SECRET", "tenant_domain":"TENANT_DOMAIN", "subscription_id":"SUBSCRIPTION_ID" }
{ "type":"service_account", "project_id":"PROJECT_ID", "private_key_id":"PRIVATE_KEY_ID", "private_key":"PRIVATE_KEY", "client_email":"CLIENT_EMAIL", "client_id":"CLIENT_ID", "auth_uri":"AUTH_URI", "token_uri":"TOKEN_URI", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url":"AUTH_PROVIDER_X509_CERT_URL", "client_x509_cert_url":"CLIENT_X509_CERT_URL" }
{ "user":"USER", "password":"PASSWORD" }
{ "community":"COMMUNITY", "version":"VERSION", "securityLevelV3":"SECURITY_LEVEL_V3", "authUserV3":"USER_AUTH_V3", "authMethodV3":"AUTH_METHOD_V3", "authPassV3":"AUTH_PASS_V3", "privacyMethodV3":"PRIVACY_METHOD_V3", "privacyPassV3":"PRIVACY_PASS_V3" }
{ "user":"USER", "password":"PASSWORD", "namespace":"NAMESPACE" }
The following example can be used as a basis for creating discovery_definition.ini files, as it includes all the possible blocks and parameters explained above with comments for each case:
次の例は、discovery_definition.ini ファイルを作成する際の元データとして使用できます。これには、各ケースのコメントとともに上で説明した、考えられるすべてのブロックとパラメーターが含まれています。
;-------------------------------------; ; DISCOVERY APPLICATION INI FILE BASE ; ;-------------------------------------; ; Mandatory ; Defines global application data [discovery_extension_definition] ; Mandatory ; Defines discovery application short name ; Short name must be unique ; Short names with "pandorafms." prefixes are used by Pandora FMS for official applications short_name = DISCOVERY_APPLICATION_UNIQUE_NAME ; Mandatory ; Defines the section where application will be shown in console ; Possible values: ; apps ; clouds ; custom section = app ; Mandatory ; Defines discovery application name, shown in console name = DISCOVERY_APPLICATION_NAME ; Mandatory ; Defines discovery application version, shown in console version = VERSION ; Optional ; Defines discovery application description, shown in console description = DESCRIPTION ; Optional ; Defines execution files inside .disk ; Several execution files can be defined execution_file[_EXEC_MACRO_N_] = ; Mandatory ; Defines execution for discovery server ; Several executions can be defined ; At least 1 is required for server execution exec[] = SERVER_EXECUTION ; Optional ; Define password encrypt script passencrypt_script = ; Optional ; Defines password encrypt script execution format ; _passencrypt_script_ is replaced with the passencrypt_script file path ; _password_ is replaced with the string (password) to encrypt passencrypt_exec = EXECUTION ; Optional ; Define password decrypt script passdecrypt_script = ; Optional ; Defines password encrypt script execution format ; _passdecrypt_script_ is replaced with the passdecrypt_script file path ; _password_ is replaced with the string (password) to encrypt passdecrypt_exec = EXECUTION ; Optional ; Defines the default values for the fields when a new task is created ; By default all values are empty or not selected ; Several default values can be defined ; Possible values depending on field type: ; string - STRING ; number - NUMBER ; password-STRING ; textarea-STRING ; checkbox-BOOL ; select-VALUE_N ; multiselect - [VALUE_1,VALUE_N] ; tree - [VALUE_1,VALUE_N] default_value[_FIELD_MACRO_N_] = DEFAULT_VALUE ;-------------------------------------; ; Optional ; Defines application configuration steps [config_steps] ; Following parameters can be setup for each configuration step ; Several steps can be defined using a different key (N) ; Mandatory ; Defines configuration step name name[N] = STEP_NAME ; Mandatory if not custom_fields defined ; Defines configuration fields retrieved to console by a command execution ; execution_file scripts can be used to retrieve data ; Command execution output must be JSON as follows ; [ ; { ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "mandatory_field": "BOOL", ; "name": "FIELD_NAME", ; "tip": "FIELD_TIP", ; "type": "FIELD_TYPE", ; "placeholder": "PLACEHOLDER", ; "show_on_true": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "encrypt_on_true": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "select_data": { ; "VALUE_1": "TEXT_1", ; "VALUE_N": "TEXT_N" ; }, ; "tree_data": [ ; { ; "name": "TEXT_1", ; "selectable": "BOOL_1", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_1", ; childin": [ ; { ; "name": "TEXT_1_1", ; "selectable": "BOOL_1_1", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_1_1", ; "children": [] ; }, ; { ; "name": "TEXT_1_N", ; "selectable": "BOOL_1_N", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_1_N", ; "children": [] ; } ; ] ; }, ; { ; "name": "TEXT_N", ; "selectable": "BOOL_N", ; "macro": "_FIELD_MACRO_N_", ; "value": "VALUE_N", ; "children": [] ; } ; ] ; } ; ] script_data_fields[N] = CONSOLE_EXECUTION_FIELDS ; Mandatory if not script_data_fields defined ; Defines custom configuration fields custom_fields[N] = CUSTOM_FIELDS_N ; Optional ; Defines the number of fields columns for the configuration steps (1 or 2) fields_columns[N] = M ;-------------------------------------; ; Mandatory if not script_data_fields defined ; Defines custom configuration fields to be used by configuration steps [CUSTOM_FIELDS_N] ; Mandatory ; Defines configuration field unique macro ; Macros can be used for script executions, using their value in place macro[N] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_ ; Optional ; Defines if configuration field is mandatory or not ; By default all configuration fields are mandatory mandatory_field[N] = BOOL ; Mandatory ; Defines configuration field name to be displayed in console ; Macro will be used as name if this field is empty name[N] = FIELD_NAME ; Optional ; Define a tip for the field, to be displayed in console tip[N] = FIELD_TIP ; Mandatory ; Defines the field type to be displayed in console ; Possible values: ; string ; number ; password ; textarea ; check box ; select ; multi select ; tree type[N] = FIELD_TYPE ; Optional if type is string or textarea ; Defines a placeholder for the field, to be displayed in console placeholder[N] = PLACEHOLDER ; Optional ; Field is shown in console only if assigned field macro exists, is checkbox and is true show_on_true[N] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_ ; Optional if type is password ; Field value is encrypted when stored into database if assigned field macro exists, is checkbox and is true ; Password encrypt and decrypt depends on scripts uploaded to the discovery application encrypt_on_true[N] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_ ; Mandatory if type is select or multiselect ; Defines select data to be displayed in console ; Possible values: ; agent_groups - Uses agent groups names ; agents - Uses agents names ; module_groups - Uses module groups ; modules - Uses modules names ; module_types - Uses module types names ; tags - Uses module tags ; status - Uses module status names ; alert_templates - Uses alert templates names ; alert_actions - Uses alert actions names ; interval - Uses time interval selector ; credentials.custom - Uses pandora custom credentials selector ; - Uses pandora AWS credentials selector ; - Uses pandora Microsoft Azure credentials selector ; credentials.gcp - Uses pandora Google Cloud Platform credentials selector ; - Uses pandora SAP credentials selector ; credentials.snmp - Uses pandora SNMP credentials selector ; credentials.wmi - Uses pandora WMI credentials selector ; os - Uses pandora OS names ; CUSTOM_SELECT_N - Uses custom selector values ; multiselect fields value is a comma separated list of selected values select_data[N] = FIELD_DATA ; Mandatory if type is tree ; Defines tree data to be displayed in console ; tree fields value is a comma separated list of selected values tree_data[N] = CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_N ;-------------------------------------; ; Mandatory if custom tree defined ; Defines custom tree values to be used by configuration fields [CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_N] ; Mandatory ; Defines the name for the tree element ; Several names can be defined name[N] = TEXT_N ; Optional ; Defines if tree element is selectable or not ; By default all tree elements are selectable ; Several selectables can be defined selectable[N] = VALUE_N ; Optional if selectable is true ; Defines the macro where value is stored for the tree element ; Several macros can be defined ; Same macro can be defined for several tree elements inside the same tree ; Macro can't be the same as other outside the tree ; If no macro is defined, value is stored for the global tree macro ; Tree values are stored and used the same way as multiselect values do macro[N] = FIELD_MACRO_N ; Mandatory if selectable is true ; Defines the value for the tree element ; Several values can be defined value[N] = VALUE_N ; Optional ; Defines the children elements for the tree element ; CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_M can't be the same than in an upper level ; Several children can be defined children[N] = CUSTOM_TREE_DATA_M ;-------------------------------------; ; Mandatory if custom select or multiselect defined ; Defines custom select or multiselect values to be used by configuration fields [CUSTOM_SELECT_N] ; Mandatory ; Defines the value-text pair for the select or multiselect ; Several value-text pairs can be defined option[VALUE_N] = TEXT_N ;-------------------------------------; ; Optional ; Defines temporary configuration files to be created and used during script executions [tempfile_confs] ; Mandatory ; Defines the content for the temporary file ; File will be used where temporary file macro is specified during executions ; File content replaces fields macros with their values file[_TEMP_FILE_MACRO_N_] = _FIELD_MACRO_N_,_FIELD_MACRO_M_
Below we show an example of the discovery_definition.ini file and how its form would be displayed in the Pandora FMS console:
以下に、discovery_definition.ini ファイルの例と、そのフォームが Pandora FMS コンソールにどのように表示されるかを示します。
[discovery_extension_definition] short_name = discoveryTest section = custom name = Discovery test version="1.0" description = A test discovery plugin execution_file[_exec1_] = exec[] = "'_exec1_' -c '_tempConf_'" passencrypt_script = passencrypt_exec = "'_passencrypt_script_' --encrypt '_password_'" passdecrypt_script = passencrypt_exec = "'_passdecrypt_script_' --decrypt '_password_'" default_value[_param1_] = "admin" default_value[_param2_] = "" default_value[_param3_] = false default_value[_param4_] = 5 default_value[_param5_] = 0 default_value[_param6_] = v1 default_value[_param7_] = true default_value[_param8_] = "[]" default_value[_param9_] = "" default_value[_param10_] = "[]" default_value[_param11_] = "[]" [config_steps] name[1] = Configuration step custom_fields[1] = custom_fields_1 [tempfile_confs] file[_tempConf_] = "user _param1_ password _param2_ encrypt_pass _param3_ threads _param4_ group _param5_ mode _param6_ extra_options _param7_ extra_elements _param8_ extra_perfs _param10_ extra_counters _param11_ log __temp__/__taskMD5__.log _param9_" [custom_fields_1] macro[1] = _param1_ name[1] = User type[1] = string macro[2] = _param2_ name[2] = Password type[2] = password encrypt_on_true[2] = _param3_ macro[3] = _param3_ name[3] = Encrypt password type[3] = checkbox macro[4] = _param4_ name[4] = Max threads type[4] = number mandatory_field[4] = false macro[5] = _param5_ name[5] = Agents group tip[5] = Agents are generated in this group type[5] = select select_data[5] = agent_groups macro[6] = _param6_ name[6] = Mode type[6] = select select_data[6] = custom_select_1 macro[7] = _param7_ name[7] = Add extra options type[7] = checkbox macro[8] = _param8_ name[8] = Extra elements type[8] = tree tree_data[8] = custom_tree_1 show_on_true[8] = _param7_ macro[9] = _param9_ name[9] = Extra options type[9] = textarea placeholder[9] = "Add extra options here" show_on_true[9] = _param7_ [custom_select_1] option[v1] = Value 1 option[v2] = Value 2 option[v3] = Value 3 option[v4] = Value 4 option[v5] = Value 5 [custom_tree_1] name[1] = Performance modules selectable[1] = false children[1] = custom_tree_1_A name[2] = Counter modules selectable[2] = false children[2] = custom_tree_1_B [custom_tree_1_A] name[1] = Profile1 selectable[1] = true macro[1] = _param10_ value[1] = p1 name[2] = Perf2 selectable[2] = true macro[2] = _param10_ value[2] = p2 name[3] = Perf3 selectable[3] = true macro[3] = _param10_ value[3] = p3 [custom_tree_1_B] name[1] = Counter1 selectable[1] = true macro[1] = _param11_ value[1] = c1 name[2] = Counter1 selectable[2] = true macro[2] = _param11_ value[2] = c2 name[3] = Counter1 selectable[3] = true macro[3] = _param11_ value[3] = c3
With the definition above, when creating a task for the application, this would be the form that would be displayed:
The “Extra elements” and “Extra options” fields are hidden when “Add extra options” is unselected, and the “Password” field would encrypt its value by selecting the “Encrypt password” field:
“追加オプションを追加(Add extra options)” が選択されていない場合、“追加要素(extra elements)” フィールドと“追加オプション(Extra options)” フィールドは非表示になり、“パスワード(Password)” フィールドは “暗号化パスワード(Encrypt password)” フィールドを選択することで値を暗号化します。
When this task is executed by the server, it generates a temporary file (for example /var/spool/pandora/data_in/discovery/tmp/6d7fce9fee471194aa8b5b6e47267f03
) whose content could be:
このタスクがサーバによって実行されると、次のような内容の一時ファイル (例: /var/spool/pandora/data_in/discovery/tmp/6d7fce9fee471194aa8b5b6e47267f03
) が生成されます。
user admin password MjZhYjBkYjkwZDcyZTI4YWQwYmExZTIyZWU1MTA1MTAgIC0K encrypt_pass 1 thread 2 group Applications mode v1 extra_options 1 extra_elements[] extra_perfs["p1", "p2"] extra_counters["c1"] log /tmp/b026324c6904b2a9cb4b88d6d61c81d1.log
And which it would use during execution, which would be similar to this:
'/var/spool/pandora/data_in/discovery/discoveryTest/' -c '/var/spool/pandora/data_in/discovery/tmp/6d7fce9fee471194aa8b5b6e47267f03'
The Pandora FMS server will be in charge of executing the scripts and executables defined in the discovery_definition.ini
file and will determine the result and summary of the execution of each task based on the output and error code of each of the executions carried out.
Pandora FMS サーバは、discovery_setting.ini
To determine the status, it will check the error code returned by each of the executions it performs. If at least one of the executions returns an error code other than 0
, the task status will be considered failed.
ステータスを判断するために、それぞれの実行結果によって返されるエラーコードをチェックします。 少なくとも 1 つの実行で 0
以外のエラーコードが返された場合、タスクのステータスは 失敗 とみなされます。
To show the summary of the task, for each of the executions carried out by the Pandora FMS server it will collect its output, both the standard output (STDOUT) and the error output (STDERR). Typically you would expect output in the following minimal JSON format:
タスクの概要を表示するために、Pandora FMS サーバは実行ごとに、標準出力 (STDOUT) とエラー出力 (STDERR) の両方の出力を収集します。 通常、次の最小限の JSON 形式での出力があります。
In the console the summary key will be read as a two-column table, considering its keys as the elements on the left and its values as the elements on the right.
コンソールでは、summary キーは 2 列のテーブルとして読み取られ、そのキーは左側の要素、その値は右側の要素と見なされます。
The info key will be read as additional information, adding one more row to the summary table.
info キーは追加情報として読み取られ、要約テーブルにさらに 1 行追加されます。
Any other key of the JSON or in case of not returning a JSON or one that does not comply with that structure, the rest of the information will be added in one more row in the summary table.
JSON の他のキー、または JSON が返されない場合、またはその構造に準拠していない場合は、残りの情報が概要テーブルのもう 1 行に追加されます。
A summary table will be generated for each of the executions, listing them based on the order of executions performed by the server. In this way, the “Summary 1” table would correspond to the first execution, the “Summary 2” table to the second, and so on.
実行ごとに概要テーブルが生成され、サーバーによって実行された実行順序に基づいてそれらがリストされます。 このように、“概要 1” テーブルは最初の実行に対応し、“概要 2”テーブルは 2 番目の実行に対応し、以下同様になります。
This is intended to ensure that the result of the last execution is visible in the console at all times, whether it was successful or failed.
Finally, apart from the actions carried out by the scripts or executables, the Pandora FMS server will be able to process agents and modules from the output of the executions. For this, the Pandora FMS server will expect to receive in the JSON output an additional key monitoring_data with the information of each of the agents and modules that it must process, but the data of this key will not be stored in the execution summary. .
最後に、スクリプトまたは実行可能ファイルによって実行されるアクションとは別に、Pandora FMS サーバは実行の出力からエージェントとモジュールを処理できるようになります。 このため、Pandora FMS サーバは、処理する必要がある各エージェントとモジュールの情報を含む追加のキー monitoring_data を JSON 出力で受け取ることを期待しますが、このキーのデータは実行の概要には含まれません。
Thus, the expected JSON output format for Discovery plugins is this:
したがって、自動検出 プラグインの予想される JSON 出力形式は次のようになります。
{ "summary": { "SUMMARY_FIELD_1": "SUMMARY_VALUE_1", "SUMMARY_FIELD_N": "SUMMARY_VALUE_N" }, "info": "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "monitoring_data": [ { "agent_data": { "agent_name": "AGENT_NAME", "agent_alias": "AGENT_ALIAS", "Bears", "os_version": "OS_VERSION", "interval": "INTERVAL", "id_group": "ID_GROUP", "address": "ADDRESS", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "agent_version": "AGENT_VERSION", "parent_agent_name": "PARENT_AGENT_NAME", "timezone_offset": "TIMEZONE_OFFSET" }, "module_data": [ { "name": "NAME", "data": "DATA", "type": "TYPE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "max": "MAX", "min": "MIN", "post_process": "POST_PROCESS", "module_interval": "MODULE_INTERVAL", "min_critical": "MIN_CRITICAL", "max_critical": "MAX_CRITICAL", "min_warning": "MIN_WARNING", "max_warning": "MAX_WARNING", "disabled": "DISABLED", "min_ff_event": "MIN_FF_EVENT", "datalist": "DATALIST", "status": "STATUS", "unit": "UNIT", "timestamp": "TIMESTAMP", "module_group": "MODULE_GROUP", "custom_id": "CUSTOM_ID", "str_warning": "STR_WARNING", "str_critical": "STR_CRITICAL", "critical_instructions": "CRITICAL_INSTRUCTIONS", "warning_instructions": "WARNING_INSTRUCTIONS", "unknown_instructions": "UNKNOWN_INSTRUCTIONS", "tags": "TAGS", "critical_inverse": "CRITICAL_INVERSE", "warning_inverse": "WARNING_INVERSE", "quiet": "QUIET", "module_ff_interval": "MODULE_FF_INTERVAL", "alert_template": "ALERT_TEMPLATE", "crontab":"CRONTAB", "min_ff_event_normal": "MIN_FF_EVENT_NORMAL", "min_ff_event_warning": "MIN_FF_EVENT_WARNING", "min_ff_event_critical": "MIN_FF_EVENT_CRITICAL", "ff_timeout": "FF_TIMEOUT", "each_ff": "EACH_FF", "module_parent": "MODULE_PARENT", "module_parent_unlink": "MODULE_PARENT_UNLINK", "cron_interval": "CRON_INTERVAL", "ff_type": "FF_TYPE", "min_warning_forced": "MIN_WARNING_FORCED", "max_warning_forced": "MAX_WARNING_FORCED", "min_critical_forced": "MIN_CRITICAL_FORCED", "max_critical_forced": "MAX_CRITICAL_FORCED", "str_warning_forced": "STR_WARNING_FORCED", "str_critical_forced": "STR_CRITICAL_FORCED" } ] } ] }